Saturday, 7 April 2012

The Wolves

I thought I'd ramble on about my lovely week in Liverpool :) First and foremost, I managed to get myself a lovely boyfriend. His name is Jack, and I'll probably mention him a fair bit on here as we spend quite a lot of time together! I was spending a few days with Jack after my job interview in Liverpool, and thankfully I got the job! Such luck is coming my way recently haha.
We spent the week relaxing, eating (well that was more on my part but still - he introduced me to Bar Burrito, best place ever, nom), and wandering round Liverpool. We went to watch The Hunger Games with people who were still in Liverpool, and it was really good! Worth the extortionate ticket prices I reckon. Our last night together was spent doing what we do best... eating a nice meal and watching House, cuddled up under a big duvet. Bliss. It's been a lovely few days, and I made a few purchases which I thought I'd show you!

Jack treated me to Book Three of 1Q84 after he found out I'd got my job, which was really nice of him! Can't wait to get stuck in. I also got The Road by Cormac McCarthy as I've been meaning to read it for some time, and it was only 50p from a charity shop so why not eh?

Also I got two new films to watch, one I watched with Jack out of pure fear of the film. Has anyone watched Let The Right One In? I'd recommend it actually, even if it is abit odd at parts and slightly hard to follow... I'm going to watch it again and hopefully understand more of it! Also I purchased The Other Boleyn Girl, a really good book and also a good film. It's got my two favourite actresses in, and Eric Bana thrown in for good measure... what's not to like? ;)

1 comment:

Catrin said...

The Road is one of my favourite books! I love it! xo